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Jumat, 21 November 2008

tips and tricks Creating Windows booting faster

From Regedit
Ctrl + F > type MenuShowDelay > change the value to 0 > hold out.
With Tune-up Utilities 2003
This software can maximize the performance of a computer, fix the error and help menkongfigurasi system so that the windows run faster, secure and comfortable.
Tune-up control system will configure the OS system that you need to modify the optical effect, security settings, input options, and memory management. This is similar to the control panel tapih more easily.
Tune maneger set up a program that will run during the booting windows.program that is not used can be turned off, so do not discard the resource ada.sedangkan tune-up disk cleaner to clean the file on the hard disk, and tine-up registry cleaner will clean kkesalahan invalid entries, references and links in the registry.
The existence of a tune-up will Optimizer able to monitor the system on the background and automatically optimize your memory when needed. Utuk while maintaining the confidentiality andm, tine up through the shredder can not delete files and can recover again.

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