Corsair TWIN3X2048-1800C7DF G
Optimized for the latest Intel DDR3 chipset, primarily the P35, X38, and the upcoming P45/X48 chipsets, the Corsair Dominator PC3-14400 DDR3 1800MHz 2GB RAM Kit TWIN3X2048-1800C7DF G is among the best possible performance solutions presently available to the consumer market. The TWIN3X2048-1800C7DF G DDR3 kit is the highest performance offering from Corsair, and is aimed at ultra-enthusiasts.
By using Dual-path Heat Xchange (DHX) Corsair has designed their TWIN3X2048-1800C7DF G PC3-1800 kit to offer performance enthusiasts the best possible overclocking results. This solution is expected to be adopted by ultra enthusiast choosing to build DDR3 systems, looking for maximum overclock headroom and reliability from their memory modules.
Benchmark Reviews is approaching the conclusion to our High-Speed DDR3 Overclocking and Review Series, which has featured over one dozen different DDR3 kits. Many of the kits we have tested so far have achieved extremely uncommon overclock speeds, while other kits impress us with their combination of performance and value. So far, we have reviewed two of the three worlds fastest DDR3 kits: Patriot PDC32G1866LLK PC3-15000 DDR3 1866MHz and Super Talent PC3-14400 DDR3 1800MHz W1800UX2GP. Today we are especially pleased to test the Corsair Dominator PC3-14400 DDR3 1800MHz 2GB RAM Kit TWIN3X2048-1800C7DF G. You might say that we have saved the best for last, because this kit is amazing!
While the Patriot PDC32G1866LLK kit may presently hold the title for the fastest DDR3 module produced, there are several others that overclock to nearly the same speed... or faster. Because of the very limited quantities and slowly growing demand, the prices are almost as high as the speeds; which makes it difficult to recommend the kit that is best for any particular need. Even when I approach a term like "best", not even an experienced analyst like me can tell you which DDR3 product is "the best kit" because at this early stage the concept of "best" takes on a relative meaning. But in terms of fastest ... well, it looks like Benchmark Reviews should have no problem helping you with that dilemma.
Many of the readers will probably not consider DDR3 an important part of the hardware market just yet, and in a few ways I can agree with them. It's expensive, and it's not going to change their system from a 2 to a 10. But I think that this argument only exists if you have missed the point: DDR3 is a more efficient replacement over DDR2 in many different ways, but high-speed DDR3 is intended for overclockers and enthusiasts almost exclusively. In a year from now, expect to have DDR3 pressed into your new motherboard. However for today, the demand behind DDR3 and its high-speed variants is best met by the growing number of hardware enthusiasts which push their equipment well past the stock settings.
All of this is great news for the overclocker, the hardcore gamer, and the hardware enthusiast; which has been the case every time high-end system memory parts arrive on the market. It wasn't all that long ago we all had SDRAM with 1 and 1.5CL timings, and then DDR arrived with CL3. Nobody complained then, so I'm not sure why they are starting now. It was the exact same story when DDR2 arrived to replace DDR; which nearly doubled the timings. So from a technical standpoint we should appreciate that the timings have only gradually increased with the clock speed, because history has proven this to be difficult.
source : benchmarkreviews.com
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